Dinnington High Street Project Update – July 2024

There have been a lot of rumours and, frankly, lies spread about the Dinnington regeneration project. This is a great shame and doesn’t help anyone. Here are the facts.

One of the first things I did when I was elected was write to the Chief Executive of the Council for an update as to the project. She replied. I have shared her reply previously but she confirmed that work was currently planned to start in 2025 and be completed by the next year. The project had been delayed because it required purchasing of several private properties as well as moving shop-keepers to other locations whilst the work took place. This may involve the need to apply to the High Court for a compulsory purchase order.

This is still the case. The money remains allocated to this project.

I am determined to deliver the project, and am working with local councillors – Conservative and Labour – to try and do this. I’m also in contact with the Dinnington Town Council, and am involving them in the discussions.

I was on BBC Sheffield recently discussing just this, you can listen to the interview