In Parliament

First day in Parliament
Outside Number 10!
Sworn into Parliament ©House of Commons
Andy’s Man Club visit Parliament
Andy’s Man Club visit Parliament
New cohort of MPs… can you find me? ©House of Commons

Latest News in Parliament

Raising Speeding issue in Parliament

Raising Speeding issue in Parliament

I raised the issue of speeding and boy racers across the constituency in Parliament last week. This …

Andy’s Man Club Came to Parliament

Andy’s Man Club Came to Parliament

I was thrilled to host Andy’s Man Club on World Suicide Prevention Day in Parliament. The group from…

Scenes of Violence and Thuggery

Scenes of Violence and Thuggery

Yesterday, I spoke in the House of Commons about the scenes we saw in Wath last month. Violence and …

RSS Feed in Parliament

You can see Jake Richards’s latest appearances and speeches in Parliament (thanks to theyworkforyou):